During initial planning stages, support for MidnightBSD is limited. It is recommended that you view the FreeBSD® Handbook.
You can also view the official MidnightBSD documentation for help installing and using the mports system.
The Community page also has links to helpful resources, such as the #MidnightBSD IRC chatroom.
The MidnightBSD wiki has updated information on a number of topics.
If you need to report a security issue with MidnightBSD, contact the security officer at security@midnightbsd.org.
E-mail support@midnightbsd.org with any support questions that you may have. You can also use our mailing lists.
The MidnightBSD project only supports current stable release with patches and the current development (master branch) release. Older versions don't get patched regularly. We do best effort for big issues with older releases. Due to the project size, we have limited resources to maintain old versions for very long.