The MidnightBSD Ports Collection ("math")
You are now in the directory "math".
This is the one-line description for this category:
Here are the one-line descriptions for each items in this
- R-4.0.3: Language for statistical computing and graphics
- atlas-math-3.8.4,1: Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software (ATLAS)
- blas-3.5.0: Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines
- cblas-1.0: Reference implementation of the C interface to the legacy Fortran BLAS
- cln-1.3.4: Class Library for Numbers
- CoinMP-1.8.3_1: Optimization library with support for COIN-OR CLP, CBC, and CGL
- djbfft-0.76_2: Extremely fast library for floating-point convolution
- edenmath-1.1.1_2: Scientific calcultor for GNUstep
- eigen2-2.0.17_1: Lightweight library for vector and matrix math
- eigen-3.3.5: Lightweight library for vector and matrix math
- facile-1.1.3: Functional Constraint Library
- fftw3-float-3.3.8: Fast Discrete Fourier Transform (Single Precision C Routines)
- fftw3-long-3.3.8: Fast Discrete Fourier Transform (Long Double Precision C Routines)
- fftw3-3.3.8: Fast C routines to compute the Discrete Fourier Transform
- glm-,1: C++ mathematics library for software based on the OpenGL GLSL
- gmm++-4.2: A generic matrix template library
- gmp-6.2.1: Free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
- gnome-calculator-3.38.2: GNOME 3 calculator tool
- gnumeric-1.12.48: GNOME spreadsheet program
- gnuplot-4.6.6: Command-line driven graphing utility
- gsl-2.5: The GNU Scientific Library - mathematical libs
- lapack-3.5.0: Library of Fortran 77 subroutines for linear algebra
- ldouble-0.1: Long double math precision functions
- libqalculate-3.17.0_1: Multi-purpose desktop calculator (backend library)
- metis-5.1.0_6: Package for unstructured graph partitioning
- mpc-1.1.0_1: Library of complex numbers with arbitrarily high precision
- mpdecimal-2.5.1: C/C++ arbitrary precision decimal floating point libraries
- mpfr-4.0.2_1: Library for multiple-precision floating-point computations
- openblas-0.3.12,1: Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2
- p5-Bit-Vector-7.4: Library of advanced math functions that includes a Perl OO module
- p5-Graph-0.9704,1: Graph, the Perl module for graph operations
- p5-Math-Base36-0.10: Encoding and decoding of base36 strings
- p5-Math-BigInt-1.999816: Arbitrary size integer math perl package
- p5-Math-BigRat-0.26.14: Arbitrary big rational numbers
- p5-Math-Int128-0.22_5: Manipulate 128 bits integers in Perl
- p5-Math-Int64-0.54: Manipulate 64 bits integers in Perl
- p5-Math-Random-ISAAC-XS-1.004: C implementation of the ISAAC PRNG Algorithm
- p5-Math-Random-ISAAC-1.004_2: Perl interface to the ISAAC PRNG Algorithm
- p5-Math-Round-0.07: Perl extension for rounding numbers
- p5-Number-Compare-0.03_1: Numeric comparisons
- p5-Set-IntSpan-1.19_1: Manages sets of integers
- p5-bignum-0.51: Transparent BigNumber/BigRational support for Perl
- php73-bcmath-7.3.30: The bcmath shared extension for php
- php73-gmp-7.3.30: The gmp shared extension for php
- php74-bcmath-7.4.23: The bcmath shared extension for php
- php74-gmp-7.4.23: The gmp shared extension for php
- php80-bcmath-8.0.10: The bcmath shared extension for php
- php80-gmp-8.0.10: The gmp shared extension for php
- py38-MutatorMath-2.1.2_1: Piecewise linear interpolation in multiple dimensions
- py38-gmpy-1.17: Python Extension that Wraps the GMP Library
- py38-gmpy2-2.0.8: GMP/MPIR, MPFR, and MPC interface to Python
- py38-kiwisolver-1.1.0,1: Fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver
- py38-matplotlib-3.3.3: Plotting library uses a syntax familiar to MATLAB users
- py38-mpmath-1.2.1: Python Library for Arbitrary-precision Floating-point Arithmetic
- py38-numpy-1.16.6_1,1: The New Numeric Extension to Python
- py38-pyclipper-1.2.1: Cython wrapper for the C++ translation of Clipper library
- py38-random2-1.0.1: Python 3 compatible Python 2 random module
- py38-sympy-1.7.1: Python Library For Symbolic Mathematics
- qhull-7.2.1,1: Qhull computes convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations, and halfspaces
- qhull5-1.0_1: Qhull computes convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations and halfspaces
- suitesparse-5.8.1: Set of packages for sparse matrix calculation
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