MidnightBSD Magus


Generate Rust bindings from C (and some C++) code

Flavor Version Run OSVersion Arch License Restricted Status
0.53.2_1 547 3.1 i386 bsd3 0 fail


Machine Type Time Message
m3132b info 2023-11-08 06:36:53.209359 Test Started
m3132b fail 2023-11-08 06:38:38.602911 make test returned non-zero: 1
m3132b fail 2023-11-08 06:38:38.766469 Test complete.


===>  Testing for rust-bindgen-0.53.2_1
       Fresh version_check v0.9.1
warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/glob-0.3.0/src/lib.rs:294:32
294 |     fn cause(&self) -> Option<&Error> {
    |                                ^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
    = note: `#[warn(bare_trait_objects)]` on by default
help: use `dyn`
294 |     fn cause(&self) -> Option<&dyn Error> {
    |                                +++

warning: use of deprecated method `std::error::Error::description`: use the Display impl or to_string()
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/glob-0.3.0/src/lib.rs:291:20
291 |         self.error.description()
    |                    ^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: `#[warn(deprecated)]` on by default

       Fresh cc v1.0.45
warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/build.rs:65:21
65 |         let major = try!(num.parse::().map_err(|e| e.to_string()));
   |                     ^^^
   = note: `#[warn(deprecated)]` on by default

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/build.rs:74:21
74 |         let minor = try!(num.parse::().map_err(|e| e.to_string()));
   |                     ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/build.rs:83:21
83 |         let patch = try!(num.parse::().map_err(|e| e.to_string()));
   |                     ^^^

warning: `glob` (lib) generated 2 warnings
warning: `byteorder` (build script) generated 3 warnings
       Fresh memchr v2.2.1
       Fresh libc v0.2.66
warning: lint `redundant_semicolon` has been renamed to `redundant_semicolons`
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/libc-0.2.66/src/lib.rs:23:5
23 |     redundant_semicolon
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: use the new name: `redundant_semicolons`
   = note: `#[warn(renamed_and_removed_lints)]` on by default

warning: lint `safe_packed_borrows` has been removed: converted into hard error, see issue #82523  for more information
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/libc-0.2.66/src/lib.rs:33:39
33 | #![deny(missing_copy_implementations, safe_packed_borrows)]
   |                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: unnecessary parentheses around assigned value
    --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/libc-0.2.66/src/unix/bsd/freebsdlike/freebsd/mod.rs:1027:38
1027 | pub const LC_COLLATE_MASK: ::c_int = (1 << 0);
     |                                      ^      ^
     = note: `#[warn(unused_parens)]` on by default
help: remove these parentheses
1027 - pub const LC_COLLATE_MASK: ::c_int = (1 << 0);
1027 + pub const LC_COLLATE_MASK: ::c_int = 1 << 0;

warning: unnecessary parentheses around assigned value
    --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/libc-0.2.66/src/unix/bsd/freebsdlike/freebsd/mod.rs:1028:36
1028 | pub const LC_CTYPE_MASK: ::c_int = (1 << 1);
     |                                    ^      ^
help: remove these parentheses
1028 - pub const LC_CTYPE_MASK: ::c_int = (1 << 1);
1028 + pub const LC_CTYPE_MASK: ::c_int = 1 << 1;

warning: unnecessary parentheses around assigned value
    --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/libc-0.2.66/src/unix/bsd/freebsdlike/freebsd/mod.rs:1029:39
1029 | pub const LC_MONETARY_MASK: ::c_int = (1 << 2);
     |                                       ^      ^
help: remove these parentheses
1029 - pub const LC_MONETARY_MASK: ::c_int = (1 << 2);
1029 + pub const LC_MONETARY_MASK: ::c_int = 1 << 2;

warning: unnecessary parentheses around assigned value
    --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/libc-0.2.66/src/unix/bsd/freebsdlike/freebsd/mod.rs:1030:38
1030 | pub const LC_NUMERIC_MASK: ::c_int = (1 << 3);
     |                                      ^      ^
help: remove these parentheses
1030 - pub const LC_NUMERIC_MASK: ::c_int = (1 << 3);
1030 + pub const LC_NUMERIC_MASK: ::c_int = 1 << 3;

warning: unnecessary parentheses around assigned value
    --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/libc-0.2.66/src/unix/bsd/freebsdlike/freebsd/mod.rs:1031:35
1031 | pub const LC_TIME_MASK: ::c_int = (1 << 4);
     |                                   ^      ^
help: remove these parentheses
1031 - pub const LC_TIME_MASK: ::c_int = (1 << 4);
1031 + pub const LC_TIME_MASK: ::c_int = 1 << 4;

warning: unnecessary parentheses around assigned value
    --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/libc-0.2.66/src/unix/bsd/freebsdlike/freebsd/mod.rs:1032:39
1032 | pub const LC_MESSAGES_MASK: ::c_int = (1 << 5);
     |                                       ^      ^
help: remove these parentheses
1032 - pub const LC_MESSAGES_MASK: ::c_int = (1 << 5);
1032 + pub const LC_MESSAGES_MASK: ::c_int = 1 << 5;

warning: `libc` (lib) generated 8 warnings
       Fresh lazy_static v1.4.0
       Fresh aho-corasick v0.7.6
warning: field `last_match_end` is never read
    --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/aho-corasick-0.7.6/src/ahocorasick.rs:1178:5
1173 | pub struct FindOverlappingIter<'a, 'b, S: 'a + StateID> {
     |            ------------------- field in this struct
1178 |     last_match_end: usize,
     |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
     = note: `FindOverlappingIter` has a derived impl for the trait `Debug`, but this is intentionally ignored during dead code analysis
     = note: `#[warn(dead_code)]` on by default

warning: field `start` is never read
    --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/aho-corasick-0.7.6/src/ahocorasick.rs:1316:33
1316 |     NonMatch { bytes: &'r [u8], start: usize },
     |     --------                    ^^^^^
     |     |
     |     field in this variant

warning: field `config` is never read
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/aho-corasick-0.7.6/src/packed/api.rs:380:5
379 | pub struct Searcher {
    |            -------- field in this struct
380 |     config: Config,
    |     ^^^^^^
    = note: `Searcher` has derived impls for the traits `Debug` and `Clone`, but these are intentionally ignored during dead code analysis

warning: `aho-corasick` (lib) generated 3 warnings
       Fresh thread_local v0.3.6
warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/thread_local-0.3.6/src/lib.rs:211:40
211 |             None => Ok(self.insert(id, try!(create()), true)),
    |                                        ^^^
    = note: `#[warn(deprecated)]` on by default

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/thread_local-0.3.6/src/lib.rs:531:44
531 |                 (*self.local.get()) = Some(try!(create()));
    |                                            ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/thread_local-0.3.6/src/lib.rs:537:47
537 |             None => Ok(self.global.insert(id, try!(create()), true)),
    |                                               ^^^

warning: use of deprecated method `std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize::compare_and_swap`: Use `compare_exchange` or `compare_exchange_weak` instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/thread_local-0.3.6/src/lib.rs:529:37
529 |         if owner == 0 && self.owner.compare_and_swap(0, id, Ordering::Relaxed) == 0 {
    |                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: unused return value of `Box::::from_raw` that must be used
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/thread_local-0.3.6/src/lib.rs:137:13
137 |             Box::from_raw(self.table.load(Ordering::Relaxed));
    |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: call `drop(Box::from_raw(ptr))` if you intend to drop the `Box`
    = note: `#[warn(unused_must_use)]` on by default

       Fresh atty v0.2.13
warning: `thread_local` (lib) generated 5 warnings
       Fresh quick-error v1.2.2
       Fresh unicode-width v0.1.6
       Fresh cfg-if v0.1.10
       Fresh regex-syntax v0.6.12
warning: use of deprecated method `std::error::Error::description`: use the Display impl or to_string()
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/regex-syntax-0.6.12/src/error.rs:45:38
45 |             Error::Parse(ref x) => x.description(),
   |                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^
   = note: `#[warn(deprecated)]` on by default

warning: use of deprecated method `std::error::Error::description`: use the Display impl or to_string()
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/regex-syntax-0.6.12/src/error.rs:46:42
46 |             Error::Translate(ref x) => x.description(),
   |                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: field `printer` is never read
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/regex-syntax-0.6.12/src/ast/print.rs:66:5
65 | struct Writer<'p, W> {
   |        ------ field in this struct
66 |     printer: &'p mut Printer,
   |     ^^^^^^^
   = note: `Writer` has a derived impl for the trait `Debug`, but this is intentionally ignored during dead code analysis
   = note: `#[warn(dead_code)]` on by default

warning: field `printer` is never read
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/regex-syntax-0.6.12/src/hir/print.rs:74:5
73 | struct Writer<'p, W> {
   |        ------ field in this struct
74 |     printer: &'p mut Printer,
   |     ^^^^^^^
   = note: `Writer` has a derived impl for the trait `Debug`, but this is intentionally ignored during dead code analysis

       Fresh unicode-xid v0.2.0
warning: `regex-syntax` (lib) generated 4 warnings
       Fresh proc-macro2 v1.0.4
       Fresh log v0.4.8
warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/log-0.4.8/src/lib.rs:309:29
309 | static mut LOGGER: &'static Log = &NopLogger;
    |                             ^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
    = note: `#[warn(bare_trait_objects)]` on by default
help: use `dyn`
309 | static mut LOGGER: &'static dyn Log = &NopLogger;
    |                             +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
    --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/log-0.4.8/src/lib.rs:1213:37
1213 | pub fn set_boxed_logger(logger: Box) -> Result<(), SetLoggerError> {
     |                                     ^^^
     = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
     = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
1213 | pub fn set_boxed_logger(logger: Box) -> Result<(), SetLoggerError> {
     |                                     +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
    --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/log-0.4.8/src/lib.rs:1271:36
1271 | pub fn set_logger(logger: &'static Log) -> Result<(), SetLoggerError> {
     |                                    ^^^
     = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
     = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
1271 | pub fn set_logger(logger: &'static dyn Log) -> Result<(), SetLoggerError> {
     |                                    +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
    --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/log-0.4.8/src/lib.rs:1278:29
1278 |     F: FnOnce() -> &'static Log,
     |                             ^^^
     = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
     = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
1278 |     F: FnOnce() -> &'static dyn Log,
     |                             +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
    --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/log-0.4.8/src/lib.rs:1315:48
1315 | pub unsafe fn set_logger_racy(logger: &'static Log) -> Result<(), SetLoggerError> {
     |                                                ^^^
     = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
     = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
1315 | pub unsafe fn set_logger_racy(logger: &'static dyn Log) -> Result<(), SetLoggerError> {
     |                                                +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
    --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/log-0.4.8/src/lib.rs:1375:29
1375 | pub fn logger() -> &'static Log {
     |                             ^^^
     = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
     = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
1375 | pub fn logger() -> &'static dyn Log {
     |                             +++

warning: use of deprecated method `std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize::compare_and_swap`: Use `compare_exchange` or `compare_exchange_weak` instead
    --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/log-0.4.8/src/lib.rs:1281:21
1281 |         match STATE.compare_and_swap(UNINITIALIZED, INITIALIZING, Ordering::SeqCst) {
     |                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
     = note: `#[warn(deprecated)]` on by default

       Fresh regex v1.3.1
       Fresh humantime v1.3.0
warning: `...` range patterns are deprecated
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/humantime-1.3.0/src/duration.rs:93:20
93 |                 '0'...'9' => {
   |                    ^^^ help: use `..=` for an inclusive range
   = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
   = note: for more information, see 
   = note: `#[warn(ellipsis_inclusive_range_patterns)]` on by default

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/humantime-1.3.0/src/duration.rs:109:37
109 |             "usec" | "us" => (0u64, try!(n.mul(1000))),
    |                                     ^^^
    = note: `#[warn(deprecated)]` on by default

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/humantime-1.3.0/src/duration.rs:110:48
110 |             "millis" | "msec" | "ms" => (0u64, try!(n.mul(1000_000))),
    |                                                ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/humantime-1.3.0/src/duration.rs:113:17
113 |             => (try!(n.mul(60)), 0),
    |                 ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/humantime-1.3.0/src/duration.rs:114:55
114 |             "hours" | "hour" | "hr" | "hrs" | "h" => (try!(n.mul(3600)), 0),
    |                                                       ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/humantime-1.3.0/src/duration.rs:115:38
115 |             "days" | "day" | "d" => (try!(n.mul(86400)), 0),
    |                                      ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/humantime-1.3.0/src/duration.rs:116:40
116 |             "weeks" | "week" | "w" => (try!(n.mul(86400*7)), 0),
    |                                        ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/humantime-1.3.0/src/duration.rs:117:42
117 |             "months" | "month" | "M" => (try!(n.mul(2630016)), 0), // 30.44d
    |                                          ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/humantime-1.3.0/src/duration.rs:118:40
118 |             "years" | "year" | "y" => (try!(n.mul(31557600)), 0), // 365.25d
    |                                        ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/humantime-1.3.0/src/duration.rs:121:24
121 |         let mut nsec = try!(self.current.1.add(nsec));
    |                        ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/humantime-1.3.0/src/duration.rs:123:19
123 |             sec = try!(sec.add(nsec / 1000_000_000));
    |                   ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/humantime-1.3.0/src/duration.rs:126:15
126 |         sec = try!(self.current.0.add(sec));
    |               ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/humantime-1.3.0/src/duration.rs:132:21
132 |         let mut n = try!(try!(self.parse_first_char()).ok_or(Error::Empty));
    |                     ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/humantime-1.3.0/src/duration.rs:132:26
132 |         let mut n = try!(try!(self.parse_first_char()).ok_or(Error::Empty));
    |                          ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/humantime-1.3.0/src/duration.rs:169:13
169 |             try!(self.parse_unit(n, start, off));
    |             ^^^

warning: `...` range patterns are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/humantime-1.3.0/src/duration.rs:137:24
137 |                     '0'...'9' => {
    |                        ^^^ help: use `..=` for an inclusive range
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/humantime-1.3.0/src/duration.rs:138:29
138 |                         n = try!(n.checked_mul(10)
    |                             ^^^

warning: `...` range patterns are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/humantime-1.3.0/src/duration.rs:143:24
143 |                     'a'...'z' | 'A'...'Z' => {
    |                        ^^^ help: use `..=` for an inclusive range
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 

warning: `...` range patterns are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/humantime-1.3.0/src/duration.rs:143:36
143 |                     'a'...'z' | 'A'...'Z' => {
    |                                    ^^^ help: use `..=` for an inclusive range
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 

warning: `...` range patterns are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/humantime-1.3.0/src/duration.rs:156:24
156 |                     '0'...'9' => {
    |                        ^^^ help: use `..=` for an inclusive range
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/humantime-1.3.0/src/duration.rs:157:25
157 |                         try!(self.parse_unit(n, start, off));
    |                         ^^^

warning: `...` range patterns are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/humantime-1.3.0/src/duration.rs:162:24
162 |                     'a'...'z' | 'A'...'Z' => {}
    |                        ^^^ help: use `..=` for an inclusive range
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 

warning: `...` range patterns are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/humantime-1.3.0/src/duration.rs:162:36
162 |                     'a'...'z' | 'A'...'Z' => {}
    |                                    ^^^ help: use `..=` for an inclusive range
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/humantime-1.3.0/src/duration.rs:170:23
170 |             n = match try!(self.parse_first_char()) {
    |                       ^^^

warning: use of deprecated method `std::error::Error::description`: use the Display impl or to_string()
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/humantime-1.3.0/src/duration.rs:48:44
48 |             display(self_) -> ("{}", self_.description())
   |                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated method `std::error::Error::description`: use the Display impl or to_string()
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/humantime-1.3.0/src/duration.rs:53:44
53 |             display(self_) -> ("{}", self_.description())
   |                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^

       Fresh textwrap v0.11.0
       Fresh byteorder v1.3.2
warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:55:9
55 |         try!(self.read_exact(&mut buf));
   |         ^^^
   = note: `#[warn(deprecated)]` on by default

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:85:9
85 |         try!(self.read_exact(&mut buf));
   |         ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:112:9
112 |         try!(self.read_exact(&mut buf));
    |         ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:139:9
139 |         try!(self.read_exact(&mut buf));
    |         ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:165:9
165 |         try!(self.read_exact(&mut buf));
    |         ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:191:9
191 |         try!(self.read_exact(&mut buf));
    |         ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:217:9
217 |         try!(self.read_exact(&mut buf));
    |         ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:243:9
243 |         try!(self.read_exact(&mut buf));
    |         ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:269:9
269 |         try!(self.read_exact(&mut buf));
    |         ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:295:9
295 |         try!(self.read_exact(&mut buf));
    |         ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:321:9
321 |         try!(self.read_exact(&mut buf));
    |         ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:347:9
347 |         try!(self.read_exact(&mut buf));
    |         ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:377:9
377 |         try!(self.read_exact(&mut buf));
    |         ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:404:9
404 |         try!(self.read_exact(&mut buf));
    |         ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:429:9
429 |         try!(self.read_exact(&mut buf[..nbytes]));
    |         ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:454:9
454 |         try!(self.read_exact(&mut buf[..nbytes]));
    |         ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:463:9
463 |         try!(self.read_exact(&mut buf[..nbytes]));
    |         ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:472:9
472 |         try!(self.read_exact(&mut buf[..nbytes]));
    |         ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:503:9
503 |         try!(self.read_exact(&mut buf));
    |         ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:534:9
534 |         try!(self.read_exact(&mut buf));
    |         ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:567:13
567 |             try!(self.read_exact(buf));
    |             ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:602:13
602 |             try!(self.read_exact(buf));
    |             ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:640:13
640 |             try!(self.read_exact(buf));
    |             ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:682:13
682 |             try!(self.read_exact(buf));
    |             ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:753:13
753 |             try!(self.read_exact(buf));
    |             ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:788:13
788 |             try!(self.read_exact(buf));
    |             ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:826:13
826 |             try!(self.read_exact(buf));
    |             ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:868:13
868 |             try!(self.read_exact(buf));
    |             ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:912:13
912 |             try!(self.read_exact(buf));
    |             ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
    --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/byteorder-1.3.2/src/io.rs:1000:13
1000 |             try!(self.read_exact(buf));
     |             ^^^

warning: `log` (lib) generated 7 warnings
warning: `humantime` (lib) generated 26 warnings
warning: `byteorder` (lib) generated 30 warnings
       Fresh bitflags v1.2.0
       Fresh nom v5.1.1
warning: trailing semicolon in macro used in expression position
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/branch/macros.rs:520:90
520 |     permutation_init!(($($parsed),* , $crate::lib::std::option::Option::None), $($rest)*);
    |                                                                                          ^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/branch/mod.rs:263:1
263 | permutation_trait!(FnA A, FnB B, FnC C, FnD D, FnE E, FnF F, FnG G, FnH H, FnI I, FnJ J, FnK K, FnL L, FnM M, FnN N, FnO O, FnP P, FnQ Q, FnR R, FnS S, FnT T, FnU ...
    | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
    = note: for more information, see issue #79813 
    = note: `#[warn(semicolon_in_expressions_from_macros)]` on by default
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `permutation_init` which comes from the expansion of the macro `permutation_trait` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

warning: trailing semicolon in macro used in expression position
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/branch/macros.rs:520:90
520 |     permutation_init!(($($parsed),* , $crate::lib::std::option::Option::None), $($rest)*);
    |                                                                                          ^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/branch/mod.rs:263:1
263 | permutation_trait!(FnA A, FnB B, FnC C, FnD D, FnE E, FnF F, FnG G, FnH H, FnI I, FnJ J, FnK K, FnL L, FnM M, FnN N, FnO O, FnP P, FnQ Q, FnR R, FnS S, FnT T, FnU ...
    | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
    = note: for more information, see issue #79813 
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `permutation_init` which comes from the expansion of the macro `permutation_trait` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

warning: trailing semicolon in macro used in expression position
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/combinator/macros.rs:509:35
509 |     map!(__impl $i, call!($f), $g);
    |                                   ^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/number/streaming.rs:196:3
196 |   map!(i, be_u8, |x| x as i8)
    |   --------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
    = note: for more information, see issue #79813 
    = note: macro invocations at the end of a block are treated as expressions
    = note: to ignore the value produced by the macro, add a semicolon after the invocation of `map`
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `map` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

warning: trailing semicolon in macro used in expression position
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/combinator/macros.rs:509:35
509 |     map!(__impl $i, call!($f), $g);
    |                                   ^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/number/streaming.rs:214:3
214 |   map!(i, be_u16, |x| x as i16)
    |   ----------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
    = note: for more information, see issue #79813 
    = note: macro invocations at the end of a block are treated as expressions
    = note: to ignore the value produced by the macro, add a semicolon after the invocation of `map`
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `map` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

warning: trailing semicolon in macro used in expression position
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/combinator/macros.rs:509:35
509 |       map!(__impl $i, call!($f), $g);
    |                                     ^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/number/streaming.rs:233:3
233 | /   map!(i, be_u24, |x| if x & 0x80_00_00 != 0 {
234 | |     (x | 0xff_00_00_00) as i32
235 | |   } else {
236 | |     x as i32
237 | |   })
    | |____- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
    = note: for more information, see issue #79813 
    = note: macro invocations at the end of a block are treated as expressions
    = note: to ignore the value produced by the macro, add a semicolon after the invocation of `map`
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `map` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

warning: trailing semicolon in macro used in expression position
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/combinator/macros.rs:509:35
509 |     map!(__impl $i, call!($f), $g);
    |                                   ^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/number/streaming.rs:255:3
255 |   map!(i, be_u32, |x| x as i32)
    |   ----------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
    = note: for more information, see issue #79813 
    = note: macro invocations at the end of a block are treated as expressions
    = note: to ignore the value produced by the macro, add a semicolon after the invocation of `map`
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `map` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

warning: trailing semicolon in macro used in expression position
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/combinator/macros.rs:509:35
509 |     map!(__impl $i, call!($f), $g);
    |                                   ^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/number/streaming.rs:274:3
274 |   map!(i, be_u64, |x| x as i64)
    |   ----------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
    = note: for more information, see issue #79813 
    = note: macro invocations at the end of a block are treated as expressions
    = note: to ignore the value produced by the macro, add a semicolon after the invocation of `map`
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `map` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

warning: trailing semicolon in macro used in expression position
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/combinator/macros.rs:509:35
509 |     map!(__impl $i, call!($f), $g);
    |                                   ^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/number/streaming.rs:293:3
293 |   map!(i, be_u128, |x| x as i128)
    |   ------------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
    = note: for more information, see issue #79813 
    = note: macro invocations at the end of a block are treated as expressions
    = note: to ignore the value produced by the macro, add a semicolon after the invocation of `map`
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `map` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

warning: trailing semicolon in macro used in expression position
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/combinator/macros.rs:509:35
509 |     map!(__impl $i, call!($f), $g);
    |                                   ^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/number/streaming.rs:480:3
480 |   map!(i, le_u8, |x| x as i8)
    |   --------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
    = note: for more information, see issue #79813 
    = note: macro invocations at the end of a block are treated as expressions
    = note: to ignore the value produced by the macro, add a semicolon after the invocation of `map`
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `map` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

warning: trailing semicolon in macro used in expression position
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/combinator/macros.rs:509:35
509 |     map!(__impl $i, call!($f), $g);
    |                                   ^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/number/streaming.rs:501:3
501 |   map!(i, le_u16, |x| x as i16)
    |   ----------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
    = note: for more information, see issue #79813 
    = note: macro invocations at the end of a block are treated as expressions
    = note: to ignore the value produced by the macro, add a semicolon after the invocation of `map`
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `map` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

warning: trailing semicolon in macro used in expression position
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/combinator/macros.rs:509:35
509 |       map!(__impl $i, call!($f), $g);
    |                                     ^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/number/streaming.rs:523:3
523 | /   map!(i, le_u24, |x| if x & 0x80_00_00 != 0 {
524 | |     (x | 0xff_00_00_00) as i32
525 | |   } else {
526 | |     x as i32
527 | |   })
    | |____- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
    = note: for more information, see issue #79813 
    = note: macro invocations at the end of a block are treated as expressions
    = note: to ignore the value produced by the macro, add a semicolon after the invocation of `map`
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `map` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

warning: trailing semicolon in macro used in expression position
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/combinator/macros.rs:509:35
509 |     map!(__impl $i, call!($f), $g);
    |                                   ^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/number/streaming.rs:548:3
548 |   map!(i, le_u32, |x| x as i32)
    |   ----------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
    = note: for more information, see issue #79813 
    = note: macro invocations at the end of a block are treated as expressions
    = note: to ignore the value produced by the macro, add a semicolon after the invocation of `map`
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `map` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

warning: trailing semicolon in macro used in expression position
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/combinator/macros.rs:509:35
509 |     map!(__impl $i, call!($f), $g);
    |                                   ^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/number/streaming.rs:569:3
569 |   map!(i, le_u64, |x| x as i64)
    |   ----------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
    = note: for more information, see issue #79813 
    = note: macro invocations at the end of a block are treated as expressions
    = note: to ignore the value produced by the macro, add a semicolon after the invocation of `map`
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `map` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

warning: trailing semicolon in macro used in expression position
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/combinator/macros.rs:509:35
509 |     map!(__impl $i, call!($f), $g);
    |                                   ^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/number/streaming.rs:591:3
591 |   map!(i, le_u128, |x| x as i128)
    |   ------------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
    = note: for more information, see issue #79813 
    = note: macro invocations at the end of a block are treated as expressions
    = note: to ignore the value produced by the macro, add a semicolon after the invocation of `map`
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `map` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

warning: trailing semicolon in macro used in expression position
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/combinator/macros.rs:509:35
509 |     map!(__impl $i, call!($f), $g);
    |                                   ^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/number/complete.rs:197:3
197 |   map!(i, be_u8, |x| x as i8)
    |   --------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
    = note: for more information, see issue #79813 
    = note: macro invocations at the end of a block are treated as expressions
    = note: to ignore the value produced by the macro, add a semicolon after the invocation of `map`
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `map` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

warning: trailing semicolon in macro used in expression position
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/combinator/macros.rs:509:35
509 |     map!(__impl $i, call!($f), $g);
    |                                   ^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/number/complete.rs:217:3
217 |   map!(i, be_u16, |x| x as i16)
    |   ----------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
    = note: for more information, see issue #79813 
    = note: macro invocations at the end of a block are treated as expressions
    = note: to ignore the value produced by the macro, add a semicolon after the invocation of `map`
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `map` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

warning: trailing semicolon in macro used in expression position
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/combinator/macros.rs:509:35
509 |       map!(__impl $i, call!($f), $g);
    |                                     ^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/number/complete.rs:238:3
238 | /   map!(i, be_u24, |x| if x & 0x80_00_00 != 0 {
239 | |     (x | 0xff_00_00_00) as i32
240 | |   } else {
241 | |     x as i32
242 | |   })
    | |____- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
    = note: for more information, see issue #79813 
    = note: macro invocations at the end of a block are treated as expressions
    = note: to ignore the value produced by the macro, add a semicolon after the invocation of `map`
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `map` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

warning: trailing semicolon in macro used in expression position
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/combinator/macros.rs:509:35
509 |     map!(__impl $i, call!($f), $g);
    |                                   ^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/number/complete.rs:262:3
262 |   map!(i, be_u32, |x| x as i32)
    |   ----------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
    = note: for more information, see issue #79813 
    = note: macro invocations at the end of a block are treated as expressions
    = note: to ignore the value produced by the macro, add a semicolon after the invocation of `map`
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `map` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

warning: trailing semicolon in macro used in expression position
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/combinator/macros.rs:509:35
509 |     map!(__impl $i, call!($f), $g);
    |                                   ^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/number/complete.rs:282:3
282 |   map!(i, be_u64, |x| x as i64)
    |   ----------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
    = note: for more information, see issue #79813 
    = note: macro invocations at the end of a block are treated as expressions
    = note: to ignore the value produced by the macro, add a semicolon after the invocation of `map`
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `map` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

warning: trailing semicolon in macro used in expression position
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/combinator/macros.rs:509:35
509 |     map!(__impl $i, call!($f), $g);
    |                                   ^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/number/complete.rs:303:3
303 |   map!(i, be_u128, |x| x as i128)
    |   ------------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
    = note: for more information, see issue #79813 
    = note: macro invocations at the end of a block are treated as expressions
    = note: to ignore the value produced by the macro, add a semicolon after the invocation of `map`
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `map` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

warning: trailing semicolon in macro used in expression position
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/combinator/macros.rs:509:35
509 |     map!(__impl $i, call!($f), $g);
    |                                   ^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/number/complete.rs:489:3
489 |   map!(i, le_u8, |x| x as i8)
    |   --------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
    = note: for more information, see issue #79813 
    = note: macro invocations at the end of a block are treated as expressions
    = note: to ignore the value produced by the macro, add a semicolon after the invocation of `map`
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `map` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

warning: trailing semicolon in macro used in expression position
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/combinator/macros.rs:509:35
509 |     map!(__impl $i, call!($f), $g);
    |                                   ^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/number/complete.rs:509:3
509 |   map!(i, le_u16, |x| x as i16)
    |   ----------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
    = note: for more information, see issue #79813 
    = note: macro invocations at the end of a block are treated as expressions
    = note: to ignore the value produced by the macro, add a semicolon after the invocation of `map`
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `map` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

warning: trailing semicolon in macro used in expression position
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/combinator/macros.rs:509:35
509 |       map!(__impl $i, call!($f), $g);
    |                                     ^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/number/complete.rs:530:3
530 | /   map!(i, le_u24, |x| if x & 0x80_00_00 != 0 {
531 | |     (x | 0xff_00_00_00) as i32
532 | |   } else {
533 | |     x as i32
534 | |   })
    | |____- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
    = note: for more information, see issue #79813 
    = note: macro invocations at the end of a block are treated as expressions
    = note: to ignore the value produced by the macro, add a semicolon after the invocation of `map`
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `map` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

warning: trailing semicolon in macro used in expression position
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/combinator/macros.rs:509:35
509 |     map!(__impl $i, call!($f), $g);
    |                                   ^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/number/complete.rs:554:3
554 |   map!(i, le_u32, |x| x as i32)
    |   ----------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
    = note: for more information, see issue #79813 
    = note: macro invocations at the end of a block are treated as expressions
    = note: to ignore the value produced by the macro, add a semicolon after the invocation of `map`
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `map` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

warning: trailing semicolon in macro used in expression position
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/combinator/macros.rs:509:35
509 |     map!(__impl $i, call!($f), $g);
    |                                   ^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/number/complete.rs:574:3
574 |   map!(i, le_u64, |x| x as i64)
    |   ----------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
    = note: for more information, see issue #79813 
    = note: macro invocations at the end of a block are treated as expressions
    = note: to ignore the value produced by the macro, add a semicolon after the invocation of `map`
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `map` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

warning: trailing semicolon in macro used in expression position
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/combinator/macros.rs:509:35
509 |     map!(__impl $i, call!($f), $g);
    |                                   ^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/nom-5.1.1/src/number/complete.rs:595:3
595 |   map!(i, le_u128, |x| x as i128)
    |   ------------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
    = note: for more information, see issue #79813 
    = note: macro invocations at the end of a block are treated as expressions
    = note: to ignore the value produced by the macro, add a semicolon after the invocation of `map`
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `map` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

       Fresh libloading v0.5.2
warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/libloading-0.5.2/src/os/unix/mod.rs:127:33
127 |             Some(ref f) => Some(try!(cstr_cow_from_bytes(f.as_ref().as_bytes()))),
    |                                 ^^^
    = note: `#[warn(deprecated)]` on by default

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/libloading-0.5.2/src/os/unix/mod.rs:170:22
170 |         let symbol = try!(cstr_cow_from_bytes(symbol));
    |                      ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/libloading-0.5.2/src/util.rs:45:35
45 |         Some(&0) => Cow::Borrowed(try!(CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(slice))),
   |                                   ^^^

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/libloading-0.5.2/src/util.rs:47:31
47 |         Some(_) => Cow::Owned(try!(CString::new(slice))),
   |                               ^^^

warning: use of deprecated function `std::mem::uninitialized`: use `mem::MaybeUninit` instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/libloading-0.5.2/src/os/unix/mod.rs:292:41
292 |             let mut info: DlInfo = mem::uninitialized();
    |                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: the type `DlInfo` does not permit being left uninitialized
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/libloading-0.5.2/src/os/unix/mod.rs:292:36
292 |             let mut info: DlInfo = mem::uninitialized();
    |                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    |                                    |
    |                                    this code causes undefined behavior when executed
    |                                    help: use `MaybeUninit` instead, and only call `assume_init` after initialization is done
note: raw pointers must be initialized (in this struct field)
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/libloading-0.5.2/src/os/unix/mod.rs:327:3
327 |   dli_fname: *const raw::c_char,
    |   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: `#[warn(invalid_value)]` on by default

       Fresh glob v0.3.0
       Fresh ansi_term v0.11.0
warning: associated type `wstr` should have an upper camel case name
 --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/ansi_term-0.11.0/src/write.rs:6:10
6 |     type wstr: ?Sized;
  |          ^^^^ help: convert the identifier to upper camel case (notice the capitalization): `Wstr`
  = note: `#[warn(non_camel_case_types)]` on by default

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/ansi_term-0.11.0/src/write.rs:15:23
15 | impl<'a> AnyWrite for fmt::Write + 'a {
   |                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
   = note: for more information, see 
   = note: `#[warn(bare_trait_objects)]` on by default
help: use `dyn`
15 | impl<'a> AnyWrite for dyn fmt::Write + 'a {
   |                       +++
help: alternatively use a blanket implementation to implement `AnyWrite` for all types that also implement `fmt::Write + 'a`
15 | impl<'a, T: fmt::Write + 'a> AnyWrite for T {
   |        ++++++++++++++++++++               ~

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/ansi_term-0.11.0/src/write.rs:29:23
29 | impl<'a> AnyWrite for io::Write + 'a {
   |                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
   = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
29 | impl<'a> AnyWrite for dyn io::Write + 'a {
   |                       +++
help: alternatively use a blanket implementation to implement `AnyWrite` for all types that also implement `io::Write + 'a`
29 | impl<'a, T: io::Write + 'a> AnyWrite for T {
   |        +++++++++++++++++++               ~

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/ansi_term-0.11.0/src/ansi.rs:171:21
171 |         let f: &mut fmt::Write = f;
    |                     ^^^^^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
171 |         let f: &mut dyn fmt::Write = f;
    |                     +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/ansi_term-0.11.0/src/ansi.rs:183:29
183 |                 let f: &mut fmt::Write = f;
    |                             ^^^^^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
183 |                 let f: &mut dyn fmt::Write = f;
    |                             +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/ansi_term-0.11.0/src/ansi.rs:187:29
187 |                 let f: &mut fmt::Write = f;
    |                             ^^^^^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
187 |                 let f: &mut dyn fmt::Write = f;
    |                             +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/ansi_term-0.11.0/src/ansi.rs:200:21
200 |         let f: &mut fmt::Write = f;
    |                     ^^^^^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
200 |         let f: &mut dyn fmt::Write = f;
    |                     +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/ansi_term-0.11.0/src/display.rs:184:21
184 |         let w: &mut fmt::Write = f;
    |                     ^^^^^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
184 |         let w: &mut dyn fmt::Write = f;
    |                     +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/ansi_term-0.11.0/src/display.rs:193:21
193 |         let w: &mut io::Write = w;
    |                     ^^^^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
193 |         let w: &mut dyn io::Write = w;
    |                     +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/ansi_term-0.11.0/src/display.rs:212:21
212 |         let f: &mut fmt::Write = f;
    |                     ^^^^^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
212 |         let f: &mut dyn fmt::Write = f;
    |                     +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/ansi_term-0.11.0/src/display.rs:222:21
222 |         let w: &mut io::Write = w;
    |                     ^^^^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
222 |         let w: &mut dyn io::Write = w;
    |                     +++

warning: `nom` (lib) generated 214 warnings (188 duplicates)
warning: `libloading` (lib) generated 6 warnings
warning: `glob` (lib) generated 2 warnings (2 duplicates)
warning: `ansi_term` (lib) generated 11 warnings
       Fresh strsim v0.8.0
       Fresh termcolor v1.0.5
       Fresh vec_map v0.8.1
warning: unnecessary parentheses around type
    --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/vec_map-0.8.1/src/lib.rs:1010:34
1010 |     fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(&'a V)> { self.iter.next().map(|e| e.1) }
     |                                  ^     ^
     = note: `#[warn(unused_parens)]` on by default
help: remove these parentheses
1010 -     fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(&'a V)> { self.iter.next().map(|e| e.1) }
1010 +     fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a V> { self.iter.next().map(|e| e.1) }

warning: unnecessary parentheses around type
    --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/vec_map-0.8.1/src/lib.rs:1017:39
1017 |     fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<(&'a V)> { self.iter.next_back().map(|e| e.1) }
     |                                       ^     ^
help: remove these parentheses
1017 -     fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<(&'a V)> { self.iter.next_back().map(|e| e.1) }
1017 +     fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<&'a V> { self.iter.next_back().map(|e| e.1) }

warning: unnecessary parentheses around type
    --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/vec_map-0.8.1/src/lib.rs:1023:34
1023 |     fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(&'a mut V)> { self.iter_mut.next().map(|e| e.1) }
     |                                  ^         ^
help: remove these parentheses
1023 -     fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(&'a mut V)> { self.iter_mut.next().map(|e| e.1) }
1023 +     fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a mut V> { self.iter_mut.next().map(|e| e.1) }

       Fresh clang-sys v0.29.0
warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
    --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clang-sys-0.29.0/src/link.rs:124:41
124  |               let (directory, filename) = try!(build::dynamic::find(true));
     |                                           ^^^
    ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clang-sys-0.29.0/src/lib.rs:1640:1
1640 | / link! {
1641 | |     pub fn clang_CXCursorSet_contains(set: CXCursorSet, cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
1642 | |     pub fn clang_CXCursorSet_insert(set: CXCursorSet, cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
1643 | |     pub fn clang_CXIndex_getGlobalOptions(index: CXIndex) -> CXGlobalOptFlags;
...    |
2088 | |     pub fn clang_VerbatimLineComment_getText(comment: CXComment) -> CXString;
2089 | | }
     | |_- in this macro invocation
     = note: `#[warn(deprecated)]` on by default
     = note: this warning originates in the macro `link` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
    --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clang-sys-0.29.0/src/link.rs:135:50
135  |               let mut library = SharedLibrary::new(try!(library), path);
     |                                                    ^^^
    ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clang-sys-0.29.0/src/lib.rs:1640:1
1640 | / link! {
1641 | |     pub fn clang_CXCursorSet_contains(set: CXCursorSet, cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
1642 | |     pub fn clang_CXCursorSet_insert(set: CXCursorSet, cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
1643 | |     pub fn clang_CXIndex_getGlobalOptions(index: CXIndex) -> CXGlobalOptFlags;
...    |
2088 | |     pub fn clang_VerbatimLineComment_getText(comment: CXComment) -> CXString;
2089 | | }
     | |_- in this macro invocation
     = note: this warning originates in the macro `link` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

warning: use of deprecated macro `try`: use the `?` operator instead
    --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clang-sys-0.29.0/src/link.rs:153:36
153  |               let library = Arc::new(try!(load_manually()));
     |                                      ^^^
    ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clang-sys-0.29.0/src/lib.rs:1640:1
1640 | / link! {
1641 | |     pub fn clang_CXCursorSet_contains(set: CXCursorSet, cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
1642 | |     pub fn clang_CXCursorSet_insert(set: CXCursorSet, cursor: CXCursor) -> c_uint;
1643 | |     pub fn clang_CXIndex_getGlobalOptions(index: CXIndex) -> CXGlobalOptFlags;
...    |
2088 | |     pub fn clang_VerbatimLineComment_getText(comment: CXComment) -> CXString;
2089 | | }
     | |_- in this macro invocation
     = note: this warning originates in the macro `link` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

       Fresh cexpr v0.4.0
warning: `vec_map` (lib) generated 3 warnings
warning: `clang-sys` (lib) generated 3 warnings
       Fresh env_logger v0.7.0
       Fresh clap v2.33.0
warning: unnecessary parentheses around block return value
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/parser.rs:142:17
142 |                 (self.flags.iter().any(|f| &f.b.name == arg)
    |                 ^
145 |                     || self.groups.iter().any(|g| &g.name == arg))
    |                                                                  ^
    = note: `#[warn(unused_parens)]` on by default
help: remove these parentheses
142 ~                 self.flags.iter().any(|f| &f.b.name == arg)
143 |                     || self.opts.iter().any(|o| &o.b.name == arg)
144 |                     || self.positionals.values().any(|p| &p.b.name == arg)
145 ~                     || self.groups.iter().any(|g| &g.name == arg)

warning: unnecessary parentheses around block return value
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/parser.rs:193:13
193 |             (self.positionals.len() + 1)
    |             ^                          ^
help: remove these parentheses
193 -             (self.positionals.len() + 1)
193 +             self.positionals.len() + 1

warning: unnecessary parentheses around block return value
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/parser.rs:301:17
301 |                 (self.positionals.len() + 1)
    |                 ^                          ^
help: remove these parentheses
301 -                 (self.positionals.len() + 1)
301 +                 self.positionals.len() + 1

warning: unnecessary parentheses around block return value
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/parser.rs:326:17
326 |                 (self.positionals.len() + 1)
    |                 ^                          ^
help: remove these parentheses
326 -                 (self.positionals.len() + 1)
326 +                 self.positionals.len() + 1

warning: unnecessary parentheses around block return value
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/parser.rs:803:17
803 |                 (o.is_set(ArgSettings::AllowLeadingHyphen) || app_wide_settings)
    |                 ^                                                              ^
help: remove these parentheses
803 -                 (o.is_set(ArgSettings::AllowLeadingHyphen) || app_wide_settings)
803 +                 o.is_set(ArgSettings::AllowLeadingHyphen) || app_wide_settings

warning: unnecessary parentheses around block return value
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/parser.rs:810:17
810 |                 (p.is_set(ArgSettings::AllowLeadingHyphen) || app_wide_settings)
    |                 ^                                                              ^
help: remove these parentheses
810 -                 (p.is_set(ArgSettings::AllowLeadingHyphen) || app_wide_settings)
810 +                 p.is_set(ArgSettings::AllowLeadingHyphen) || app_wide_settings

warning: unnecessary parentheses around block return value
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/validator.rs:355:25
355 |                         (ma.vals.len() % num as usize)
    |                         ^                            ^
help: remove these parentheses
355 -                         (ma.vals.len() % num as usize)
355 +                         ma.vals.len() % num as usize

warning: anonymous parameters are deprecated and will be removed in the next edition
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/args/any_arg.rs:19:22
19 |     fn is_set(&self, ArgSettings) -> bool;
   |                      ^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try naming the parameter or explicitly ignoring it: `_: ArgSettings`
   = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2018!
   = note: for more information, see issue #41686 
   = note: `#[warn(anonymous_parameters)]` on by default

warning: anonymous parameters are deprecated and will be removed in the next edition
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/args/any_arg.rs:20:23
20 |     fn set(&mut self, ArgSettings);
   |                       ^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try naming the parameter or explicitly ignoring it: `_: ArgSettings`
   = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2018!
   = note: for more information, see issue #41686 

warning: unnecessary trailing semicolon
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/args/arg_matches.rs:812:65
812 |         fn to_str_slice(_: &OsString) -> &str { unreachable!() };
    |                                                                 ^ help: remove this semicolon
    = note: `#[warn(redundant_semicolons)]` on by default

warning: unnecessary trailing semicolon
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/args/arg_matches.rs:863:67
863 |         fn to_str_slice(_: &OsString) -> &OsStr { unreachable!() };
    |                                                                   ^ help: remove this semicolon

warning: unnecessary trailing semicolon
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/args/arg_matches.rs:914:59
914 |         fn to_usize(_: &usize) -> usize { unreachable!() };
    |                                                           ^ help: remove this semicolon

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/help.rs:89:21
89 |     writer: &'a mut Write,
   |                     ^^^^^
   = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
   = note: for more information, see 
   = note: `#[warn(bare_trait_objects)]` on by default
help: use `dyn`
89 |     writer: &'a mut dyn Write,
   |                     +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/args/arg_builder/valued.rs:19:30
19 |     pub validator: Option Result<(), String>>>,
   |                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
   = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
19 |     pub validator: Option Result<(), String>>>,
   |                              +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/args/arg_builder/valued.rs:20:33
20 |     pub validator_os: Option Result<(), OsString>>>,
   |                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
   = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
20 |     pub validator_os: Option Result<(), OsString>>>,
   |                                 +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
    --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/mod.rs:1805:39
1805 |     fn validator(&self) -> Option<&Rc StdResult<(), String>>> { None }
     |                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
     = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
     = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
1805 |     fn validator(&self) -> Option<&Rc StdResult<(), String>>> { None }
     |                                       +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
    --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/mod.rs:1806:42
1806 |     fn validator_os(&self) -> Option<&Rc StdResult<(), OsString>>> { None }
     |                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
     = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
     = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
1806 |     fn validator_os(&self) -> Option<&Rc StdResult<(), OsString>>> { None }
     |                                          +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/macros.rs:958:67
958 |             fn as_trait_obj<'a, 'b, T: AnyArg<'a, 'b>>(x: &T) -> &AnyArg<'a, 'b> { x }
    |                                                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/parser.rs:922:39
922 |                         let any_arg = find_any_by_name!(self, self.cache.unwrap_or(""));
    |                                       ------------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `find_any_by_name` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
help: use `dyn`
958 |             fn as_trait_obj<'a, 'b, T: AnyArg<'a, 'b>>(x: &T) -> &dyn AnyArg<'a, 'b> { x }
    |                                                                   +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
    --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/macros.rs:958:67
958  |             fn as_trait_obj<'a, 'b, T: AnyArg<'a, 'b>>(x: &T) -> &AnyArg<'a, 'b> { x }
     |                                                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/parser.rs:1065:39
1065 |                         let any_arg = find_any_by_name!(self, self.cache.unwrap_or(""));
     |                                       ------------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation
     = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
     = note: for more information, see 
     = note: this warning originates in the macro `find_any_by_name` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
help: use `dyn`
958  |             fn as_trait_obj<'a, 'b, T: AnyArg<'a, 'b>>(x: &T) -> &dyn AnyArg<'a, 'b> { x }
     |                                                                   +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
    --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/macros.rs:958:67
958  |             fn as_trait_obj<'a, 'b, T: AnyArg<'a, 'b>>(x: &T) -> &AnyArg<'a, 'b> { x }
     |                                                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/parser.rs:1192:27
1192 |             let any_arg = find_any_by_name!(self, self.cache.unwrap_or(""));
     |                           ------------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation
     = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
     = note: for more information, see 
     = note: this warning originates in the macro `find_any_by_name` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
help: use `dyn`
958  |             fn as_trait_obj<'a, 'b, T: AnyArg<'a, 'b>>(x: &T) -> &dyn AnyArg<'a, 'b> { x }
     |                                                                   +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
    --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/parser.rs:2098:55
2098 |     pub fn find_any_arg(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&AnyArg<'a, 'b>> {
     |                                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
     = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
     = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
2098 |     pub fn find_any_arg(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&dyn AnyArg<'a, 'b>> {
     |                                                       +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/help.rs:58:61
58 | fn as_arg_trait<'a, 'b, T: ArgWithOrder<'a, 'b>>(x: &T) -> &ArgWithOrder<'a, 'b> {
   |                                                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
   = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
58 | fn as_arg_trait<'a, 'b, T: ArgWithOrder<'a, 'b>>(x: &T) -> &dyn ArgWithOrder<'a, 'b> {
   |                                                             +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/help.rs:577:42
577 | fn should_show_arg(use_long: bool, arg: &ArgWithOrder) -> bool {
    |                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
577 | fn should_show_arg(use_long: bool, arg: &dyn ArgWithOrder) -> bool {
    |                                          +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/help.rs:47:27
47 |     fn as_base(&self) -> &ArgWithDisplay<'b, 'c>;
   |                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
   = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
47 |     fn as_base(&self) -> &dyn ArgWithDisplay<'b, 'c>;
   |                           +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/help.rs:53:27
53 |     fn as_base(&self) -> &ArgWithDisplay<'b, 'c> {
   |                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
   = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
53 |     fn as_base(&self) -> &dyn ArgWithDisplay<'b, 'c> {
   |                           +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/help.rs:105:20
105 |         w: &'a mut Write,
    |                    ^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
105 |         w: &'a mut dyn Write,
    |                    +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/help.rs:143:38
143 |     pub fn write_app_help(w: &'a mut Write, app: &App, use_long: bool) -> ClapResult<()> {
    |                                      ^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
143 |     pub fn write_app_help(w: &'a mut dyn Write, app: &App, use_long: bool) -> ClapResult<()> {
    |                                      +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/help.rs:150:41
150 |     pub fn write_parser_help(w: &'a mut Write, parser: &Parser, use_long: bool) -> ClapResult<()> {
    |                                         ^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
150 |     pub fn write_parser_help(w: &'a mut dyn Write, parser: &Parser, use_long: bool) -> ClapResult<()> {
    |                                         +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/help.rs:158:51
158 |     pub fn write_parser_help_to_stderr(w: &'a mut Write, parser: &Parser) -> ClapResult<()> {
    |                                                   ^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
158 |     pub fn write_parser_help_to_stderr(w: &'a mut dyn Write, parser: &Parser) -> ClapResult<()> {
    |                                                   +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/help.rs:165:20
165 |         w: &'a mut Write,
    |                    ^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
165 |         w: &'a mut dyn Write,
    |                    +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/help.rs:209:32
209 |         I: Iterator>,
    |                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
209 |         I: Iterator>,
    |                                +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/help.rs:237:32
237 |         I: Iterator>,
    |                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
237 |         I: Iterator>,
    |                                +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/help.rs:274:43
274 |     fn write_arg<'b, 'c>(&mut self, arg: &ArgWithDisplay<'b, 'c>) -> io::Result<()> {
    |                                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
274 |     fn write_arg<'b, 'c>(&mut self, arg: &dyn ArgWithDisplay<'b, 'c>) -> io::Result<()> {
    |                                           +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/help.rs:284:39
284 |     fn short<'b, 'c>(&mut self, arg: &ArgWithDisplay<'b, 'c>) -> io::Result<()> {
    |                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
284 |     fn short<'b, 'c>(&mut self, arg: &dyn ArgWithDisplay<'b, 'c>) -> io::Result<()> {
    |                                       +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/help.rs:297:38
297 |     fn long<'b, 'c>(&mut self, arg: &ArgWithDisplay<'b, 'c>) -> io::Result<()> {
    |                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
297 |     fn long<'b, 'c>(&mut self, arg: &dyn ArgWithDisplay<'b, 'c>) -> io::Result<()> {
    |                                      +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/help.rs:326:37
326 |     fn val<'b, 'c>(&mut self, arg: &ArgWithDisplay<'b, 'c>) -> Result {
    |                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
326 |     fn val<'b, 'c>(&mut self, arg: &dyn ArgWithDisplay<'b, 'c>) -> Result {
    |                                     +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/help.rs:453:38
453 |     fn help<'b, 'c>(&mut self, arg: &ArgWithDisplay<'b, 'c>, spec_vals: &str) -> io::Result<()> {
    |                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
453 |     fn help<'b, 'c>(&mut self, arg: &dyn ArgWithDisplay<'b, 'c>, spec_vals: &str) -> io::Result<()> {
    |                                      +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/help.rs:509:29
509 |     fn spec_vals(&self, a: &ArgWithDisplay) -> String {
    |                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
509 |     fn spec_vals(&self, a: &dyn ArgWithDisplay) -> String {
    |                             +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/macros.rs:958:67
958 |             fn as_trait_obj<'a, 'b, T: AnyArg<'a, 'b>>(x: &T) -> &AnyArg<'a, 'b> { x }
    |                                                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/validator.rs:210:32
210 |             if let Some(arg) = find_any_by_name!(self.0, name) {
    |                                ------------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `find_any_by_name` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
help: use `dyn`
958 |             fn as_trait_obj<'a, 'b, T: AnyArg<'a, 'b>>(x: &T) -> &dyn AnyArg<'a, 'b> { x }
    |                                                                   +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/macros.rs:958:67
958 |             fn as_trait_obj<'a, 'b, T: AnyArg<'a, 'b>>(x: &T) -> &AnyArg<'a, 'b> { x }
    |                                                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/validator.rs:223:39
223 |                     if let Some(bl) = find_any_by_name!(self.0, *arg).unwrap().blacklist() {
    |                                       ------------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `find_any_by_name` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
help: use `dyn`
958 |             fn as_trait_obj<'a, 'b, T: AnyArg<'a, 'b>>(x: &T) -> &dyn AnyArg<'a, 'b> { x }
    |                                                                   +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/macros.rs:958:67
958 |             fn as_trait_obj<'a, 'b, T: AnyArg<'a, 'b>>(x: &T) -> &AnyArg<'a, 'b> { x }
    |                                                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   ::: /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/validator.rs:458:37
458 |             } else if let Some(a) = find_any_by_name!(self.0, *name) {
    |                                     -------------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
    = note: this warning originates in the macro `find_any_by_name` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
help: use `dyn`
958 |             fn as_trait_obj<'a, 'b, T: AnyArg<'a, 'b>>(x: &T) -> &dyn AnyArg<'a, 'b> { x }
    |                                                                   +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/validator.rs:499:42
499 |     fn validate_arg_conflicts(&self, a: &AnyArg, matcher: &ArgMatcher) -> Option {
    |                                          ^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
499 |     fn validate_arg_conflicts(&self, a: &dyn AnyArg, matcher: &ArgMatcher) -> Option {
    |                                          +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/validator.rs:513:44
513 |     fn validate_required_unless(&self, a: &AnyArg, matcher: &ArgMatcher) -> Option {
    |                                            ^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
513 |     fn validate_required_unless(&self, a: &dyn AnyArg, matcher: &ArgMatcher) -> Option {
    |                                            +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/validator.rs:568:42
568 |     fn is_missing_required_ok(&self, a: &AnyArg, matcher: &ArgMatcher) -> bool {
    |                                          ^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
568 |     fn is_missing_required_ok(&self, a: &dyn AnyArg, matcher: &ArgMatcher) -> bool {
    |                                          +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/args/any_arg.rs:26:39
26 |     fn validator(&self) -> Option<&Rc Result<(), String>>>;
   |                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
   = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
26 |     fn validator(&self) -> Option<&Rc Result<(), String>>>;
   |                                       +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/args/any_arg.rs:27:42
27 |     fn validator_os(&self) -> Option<&Rc Result<(), OsString>>>;
   |                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
   = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
27 |     fn validator_os(&self) -> Option<&Rc Result<(), OsString>>>;
   |                                          +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/args/any_arg.rs:60:39
60 |     fn validator(&self) -> Option<&Rc Result<(), String>>> { (*self).validator() }
   |                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
   = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
60 |     fn validator(&self) -> Option<&Rc Result<(), String>>> { (*self).validator() }
   |                                       +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/args/any_arg.rs:61:42
61 |     fn validator_os(&self) -> Option<&Rc Result<(), OsString>>> { (*self).validator_os() }
   |                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
   = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
61 |     fn validator_os(&self) -> Option<&Rc Result<(), OsString>>> { (*self).validator_os() }
   |                                          +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/args/arg_matcher.rs:24:60
24 |     pub fn process_arg_overrides<'b>(&mut self, a: Option<&AnyArg<'a, 'b>>, overrides: &mut Vec<(&'b str, &'a str)>, required: &mut Vec<&...
   |                                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
   = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
24 |     pub fn process_arg_overrides<'b>(&mut self, a: Option<&dyn AnyArg<'a, 'b>>, overrides: &mut Vec<(&'b str, &'a str)>, required: &mut Vec<&'a str>, check_all: bool) {
   |                                                            +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/args/arg_matcher.rs:56:60
56 |     pub fn handle_self_overrides<'b>(&mut self, a: Option<&AnyArg<'a, 'b>>) {
   |                                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
   = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
56 |     pub fn handle_self_overrides<'b>(&mut self, a: Option<&dyn AnyArg<'a, 'b>>) {
   |                                                            +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/args/arg_builder/flag.rs:79:39
79 |     fn validator(&self) -> Option<&Rc StdResult<(), String>>> { None }
   |                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
   = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
79 |     fn validator(&self) -> Option<&Rc StdResult<(), String>>> { None }
   |                                       +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/args/arg_builder/flag.rs:80:42
80 |     fn validator_os(&self) -> Option<&Rc StdResult<(), OsString>>> { None }
   |                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
   = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
80 |     fn validator_os(&self) -> Option<&Rc StdResult<(), OsString>>> { None }
   |                                          +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/args/arg_builder/positional.rs:150:39
150 |     fn validator(&self) -> Option<&Rc StdResult<(), String>>> {
    |                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
150 |     fn validator(&self) -> Option<&Rc StdResult<(), String>>> {
    |                                       +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/args/arg_builder/positional.rs:153:42
153 |     fn validator_os(&self) -> Option<&Rc StdResult<(), OsString>>> {
    |                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
153 |     fn validator_os(&self) -> Option<&Rc StdResult<(), OsString>>> {
    |                                          +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/args/arg_builder/option.rs:132:39
132 |     fn validator(&self) -> Option<&Rc StdResult<(), String>>> {
    |                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
132 |     fn validator(&self) -> Option<&Rc StdResult<(), String>>> {
    |                                       +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/args/arg_builder/option.rs:135:42
135 |     fn validator_os(&self) -> Option<&Rc StdResult<(), OsString>>> {
    |                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
135 |     fn validator_os(&self) -> Option<&Rc StdResult<(), OsString>>> {
    |                                          +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/errors.rs:410:15
410 |         arg: &AnyArg,
    |               ^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
410 |         arg: &dyn AnyArg,
    |               +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/errors.rs:448:33
448 |     pub fn empty_value(arg: &AnyArg, usage: U, color: ColorWhen) -> Self
    |                                 ^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
448 |     pub fn empty_value(arg: &dyn AnyArg, usage: U, color: ColorWhen) -> Self
    |                                 +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/errors.rs:476:15
476 |         arg: &AnyArg,
    |               ^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
476 |         arg: &dyn AnyArg,
    |               +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/errors.rs:662:48
662 |     pub fn too_many_values(val: V, arg: &AnyArg, usage: U, color: ColorWhen) -> Self
    |                                                ^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
662 |     pub fn too_many_values(val: V, arg: &dyn AnyArg, usage: U, color: ColorWhen) -> Self
    |                                                +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/errors.rs:691:15
691 |         arg: &AnyArg,
    |               ^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
691 |         arg: &dyn AnyArg,
    |               +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/errors.rs:724:42
724 |     pub fn value_validation(arg: Option<&AnyArg>, err: String, color: ColorWhen) -> Self
    |                                          ^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
724 |     pub fn value_validation(arg: Option<&dyn AnyArg>, err: String, color: ColorWhen) -> Self
    |                                          +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/errors.rs:754:15
754 |         arg: &AnyArg,
    |               ^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
754 |         arg: &dyn AnyArg,
    |               +++

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/errors.rs:789:47
789 |     pub fn unexpected_multiple_usage(arg: &AnyArg, usage: U, color: ColorWhen) -> Self
    |                                               ^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
789 |     pub fn unexpected_multiple_usage(arg: &dyn AnyArg, usage: U, color: ColorWhen) -> Self
    |                                               +++

warning: use of deprecated method `bitflags::core::str::::trim_left_matches`: superseded by `trim_start_matches`
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/parser.rs:90:19
90 |         let c = s.trim_left_matches(|c| c == '-')
   |                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = note: `#[warn(deprecated)]` on by default
help: replace the use of the deprecated method
90 |         let c = s.trim_start_matches(|c| c == '-')
   |                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

warning: use of deprecated method `bitflags::core::str::::trim_left_matches`: superseded by `trim_start_matches`
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/parser.rs:98:19
98 |         let c = s.trim_left_matches(|c| c == '-')
   |                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: replace the use of the deprecated method
98 |         let c = s.trim_start_matches(|c| c == '-')
   |                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

warning: use of deprecated method `std::error::Error::description`: use the Display impl or to_string()
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/parser.rs:131:75
131 |             Err(why) => panic!("couldn't create completion file: {}", why.description()),
    |                                                                           ^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated method `bitflags::core::str::::trim_left_matches`: superseded by `trim_start_matches`
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/args/arg.rs:332:35
332 |         self.s.short = s.as_ref().trim_left_matches(|c| c == '-').chars().nth(0);
    |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: replace the use of the deprecated method
332 |         self.s.short = s.as_ref().trim_start_matches(|c| c == '-').chars().nth(0);
    |                                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

warning: use of deprecated method `bitflags::core::str::::trim_left_matches`: superseded by `trim_start_matches`
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/args/arg.rs:372:30
372 |         self.s.long = Some(l.trim_left_matches(|c| c == '-'));
    |                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: replace the use of the deprecated method
372 |         self.s.long = Some(l.trim_start_matches(|c| c == '-'));
    |                              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

warning: trait objects without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/errors.rs:748:24
748 |         let n: Option<&AnyArg> = None;
    |                        ^^^^^^
    = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2015) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
    = note: for more information, see 
help: use `dyn`
748 |         let n: Option<&dyn AnyArg> = None;
    |                        +++

warning: use of deprecated method `std::error::Error::description`: use the Display impl or to_string()
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/errors.rs:852:60
852 |             message: format!("{} {}", c.error("error:"), e.description()),
    |                                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated method `std::error::Error::description`: use the Display impl or to_string()
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/errors.rs:905:63
905 |     fn from(e: io::Error) -> Self { Error::with_description(e.description(), ErrorKind::Io) }
    |                                                               ^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated method `std::error::Error::description`: use the Display impl or to_string()
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/errors.rs:910:35
910 |         Error::with_description(e.description(), ErrorKind::Format)
    |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: panic message is not a string literal
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/parser.rs:176:13
176 |             format!("Non-unique argument name: {} is already in use", a.b.name)
    |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: this usage of `assert!()` is deprecated; it will be a hard error in Rust 2021
    = note: for more information, see 
    = note: the `assert!()` macro supports formatting, so there's no need for the `format!()` macro here
    = note: `#[warn(non_fmt_panics)]` on by default
help: remove the `format!(..)` macro call
176 -             format!("Non-unique argument name: {} is already in use", a.b.name)
176 +             "Non-unique argument name: {} is already in use", a.b.name

warning: panic message is not a string literal
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/app/validator.rs:183:35
183 |                 None    => panic!(INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG)
    |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: this usage of `panic!()` is deprecated; it will be a hard error in Rust 2021
    = note: for more information, see 
help: add a "{}" format string to `Display` the message
183 |                 None    => panic!("{}", INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG)
    |                                   +++++

warning: panic message is not a string literal
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/args/any_arg.rs:54:48
54 |     fn set(&mut self, _: ArgSettings) { panic!(INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG) }
   |                                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = note: this usage of `panic!()` is deprecated; it will be a hard error in Rust 2021
   = note: for more information, see 
help: add a "{}" format string to `Display` the message
54 |     fn set(&mut self, _: ArgSettings) { panic!("{}", INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG) }
   |                                                +++++

warning: panic message is not a string literal
  --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/clap-2.33.0/src/usage_parser.rs:64:13
64 | /             format!(
65 | |                 "No name found for Arg when parsing usage string: {}",
66 | |                 self.usage
67 | |             )
   | |_____________^
   = note: this usage of `debug_assert!()` is deprecated; it will be a hard error in Rust 2021
   = note: for more information, see 
   = note: the `debug_assert!()` macro supports formatting, so there's no need for the `format!()` macro here
help: remove the `format!(..)` macro call
64 ~             
65 |                 "No name found for Arg when parsing usage string: {}",
66 |                 self.usage
67 ~             

       Fresh quote v1.0.2
       Fresh rustc-hash v1.0.1
       Fresh which v3.0.0
       Fresh shlex v0.1.1
warning: `clap` (lib) generated 77 warnings
       Fresh lazycell v1.2.1
warning: use of deprecated method `core::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize::compare_and_swap`: Use `compare_exchange` or `compare_exchange_weak` instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/lazycell-1.2.1/src/lib.rs:257:31
257 |         if NONE != self.state.compare_and_swap(NONE, LOCK, Ordering::Acquire) {
    |                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: `#[warn(deprecated)]` on by default

warning: use of deprecated method `core::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize::compare_and_swap`: Use `compare_exchange` or `compare_exchange_weak` instead
   --> /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/lazycell-1.2.1/src/lib.rs:263:31
263 |         if LOCK != self.state.compare_and_swap(LOCK, SOME, Ordering::Release) {
    |                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

       Fresh peeking_take_while v0.1.2
   Compiling diff v0.1.11
warning: `lazycell` (lib) generated 2 warnings
warning: unnecessary braces around method argument
    --> src/codegen/mod.rs:3721:39
3721 |             self.methods().iter().map({ |m| m.rust_name() }).collect();
     |                                       ^^                 ^^
     = note: `#[warn(unused_braces)]` on by default
help: remove these braces
3721 -             self.methods().iter().map({ |m| m.rust_name() }).collect();
3721 +             self.methods().iter().map(|m| m.rust_name()).collect();

warning: fields `namespaced_constants` and `msvc_mangling` are never read
    --> src/lib.rs:1701:5
1552 | struct BindgenOptions {
     |        -------------- fields in this struct
1701 |     namespaced_constants: bool,
     |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
1704 |     msvc_mangling: bool,
     |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
     = note: `BindgenOptions` has a derived impl for the trait `Debug`, but this is intentionally ignored during dead code analysis
     = note: `#[warn(dead_code)]` on by default

warning: field `comp` is never read
  --> src/codegen/struct_layout.rs:19:5
16 | pub struct StructLayoutTracker<'a> {
   |            ------------------- field in this struct
19 |     comp: &'a CompInfo,
   |     ^^^^
   = note: `StructLayoutTracker` has a derived impl for the trait `Debug`, but this is intentionally ignored during dead code analysis

warning: fields `index` and `cannot_derive_copy_in_array` are never read
   --> src/ir/context.rs:365:5
308 | pub struct BindgenContext {
    |            -------------- fields in this struct
365 |     index: clang::Index,
    |     ^^^^^
420 |     cannot_derive_copy_in_array: Option>,
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: `BindgenContext` has a derived impl for the trait `Debug`, but this is intentionally ignored during dead code analysis

warning: field `comment` is never read
  --> src/ir/function.rs:86:5
75 | pub struct Function {
   |            -------- field in this struct
86 |     comment: Option,
   |     ^^^^^^^
   = note: `Function` has a derived impl for the trait `Debug`, but this is intentionally ignored during dead code analysis

warning: unused return value of `std::mem::replace` that must be used
   --> src/ir/comp.rs:751:17
751 | /                 mem::replace(
752 | |                     self,
753 | |                     CompFields::AfterComputingBitfieldUnits {
754 | |                         fields,
755 | |                         has_bitfield_units,
756 | |                     },
757 | |                 );
    | |_________________^
    = note: if you don't need the old value, you can just assign the new value directly
    = note: `#[warn(unused_must_use)]` on by default

warning: unused return value of `std::mem::replace` that must be used
   --> src/ir/comp.rs:760:17
760 |                 mem::replace(self, CompFields::ErrorComputingBitfieldUnits);
    |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: if you don't need the old value, you can just assign the new value directly

     Running `CARGO=/usr/local/bin/cargo CARGO_CRATE_NAME=diff CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/diff-0.1.11 CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS='Utkarsh Kukreti ' CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION='An LCS based slice and string diffing implementation.' CARGO_PKG_HOMEPAGE='https://github.com/utkarshkukreti/diff.rs' CARGO_PKG_LICENSE='MIT OR Apache-2.0' CARGO_PKG_LICENSE_FILE='' CARGO_PKG_NAME=diff CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY='https://github.com/utkarshkukreti/diff.rs' CARGO_PKG_RUST_VERSION='' CARGO_PKG_VERSION=0.1.11 CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR=0 CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR=1 CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH=11 CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PRE='' LD_LIBRARY_PATH='/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/release/deps:/usr/local/lib' /usr/local/bin/rustc --crate-name diff /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/cargo-crates/diff-0.1.11/src/lib.rs --error-format=json --json=diagnostic-rendered-ansi,artifacts,future-incompat --crate-type lib --emit=dep-info,metadata,link -C opt-level=2 -C embed-bitcode=no -C metadata=73c4128e955e26ae -C extra-filename=-73c4128e955e26ae --out-dir /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps --target i686-unknown-freebsd -C linker=cc -L dependency=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps -L dependency=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/release/deps --cap-lints warn -C link-arg=-fstack-protector-strong`
warning: `bindgen` (lib) generated 7 warnings (run `cargo fix --lib -p bindgen` to apply 1 suggestion)
   Compiling bindgen v0.53.2 (/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2)
     Running `CARGO=/usr/local/bin/cargo CARGO_CRATE_NAME=bindgen CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2 CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS='Jyun-Yan You :Emilio Cobos Álvarez :Nick Fitzgerald :The Servo project developers' CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION='Automatically generates Rust FFI bindings to C and C++ libraries.' CARGO_PKG_HOMEPAGE='https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-bindgen/' CARGO_PKG_LICENSE=BSD-3-Clause CARGO_PKG_LICENSE_FILE='' CARGO_PKG_NAME=bindgen CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY='https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-bindgen' CARGO_PKG_RUST_VERSION='' CARGO_PKG_VERSION=0.53.2 CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR=0 CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR=53 CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH=2 CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PRE='' CARGO_PRIMARY_PACKAGE=1 LD_LIBRARY_PATH='/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/release/deps:/usr/local/lib' OUT_DIR=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/build/bindgen-77e0da46f5d248db/out /usr/local/bin/rustc --crate-name bindgen src/lib.rs --error-format=json --json=diagnostic-rendered-ansi,artifacts,future-incompat --emit=dep-info,link -C opt-level=2 -C embed-bitcode=no --test --cfg 'feature="clap"' --cfg 'feature="default"' --cfg 'feature="env_logger"' --cfg 'feature="log"' --cfg 'feature="logging"' --cfg 'feature="runtime"' --cfg 'feature="which"' --cfg 'feature="which-rustfmt"' -C metadata=ab311c3ebab00c94 -C extra-filename=-ab311c3ebab00c94 --out-dir /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps --target i686-unknown-freebsd -C linker=cc -L dependency=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps -L dependency=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/release/deps --extern bitflags=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libbitflags-3a2fba2fee27152d.rlib --extern cexpr=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libcexpr-6fb506e8f5a5ad53.rlib --extern cfg_if=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libcfg_if-244ddbe439e155db.rlib --extern clang_sys=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libclang_sys-4c9a19aab35024d2.rlib --extern clap=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libclap-958b07ab75b41ef2.rlib --extern diff=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libdiff-73c4128e955e26ae.rlib --extern env_logger=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libenv_logger-e2dae04aca756543.rlib --extern lazy_static=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/liblazy_static-f9b6d146ed51adf1.rlib --extern lazycell=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/liblazycell-cdde699b7f2eb8bc.rlib --extern log=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/liblog-e23b8f9beb74d142.rlib --extern peeking_take_while=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libpeeking_take_while-190fcf437432fb5e.rlib --extern proc_macro2=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libproc_macro2-0a050fa32e47a0b8.rlib --extern quote=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libquote-9c2dc6e0ff0a2b4e.rlib --extern regex=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libregex-369a531e0996606d.rlib --extern rustc_hash=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/librustc_hash-e4a77bdf6939a413.rlib --extern shlex=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libshlex-cbce83415b718ca7.rlib --extern which=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libwhich-a7360f0090b2753d.rlib -C link-arg=-fstack-protector-strong -L native=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/build/libloading-cfa872c28c8b2dd1/out`
     Running `CARGO=/usr/local/bin/cargo CARGO_BIN_NAME=bindgen CARGO_CRATE_NAME=bindgen CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2 CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS='Jyun-Yan You :Emilio Cobos Álvarez :Nick Fitzgerald :The Servo project developers' CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION='Automatically generates Rust FFI bindings to C and C++ libraries.' CARGO_PKG_HOMEPAGE='https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-bindgen/' CARGO_PKG_LICENSE=BSD-3-Clause CARGO_PKG_LICENSE_FILE='' CARGO_PKG_NAME=bindgen CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY='https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-bindgen' CARGO_PKG_RUST_VERSION='' CARGO_PKG_VERSION=0.53.2 CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR=0 CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR=53 CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH=2 CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PRE='' CARGO_PRIMARY_PACKAGE=1 LD_LIBRARY_PATH='/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/release/deps:/usr/local/lib' OUT_DIR=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/build/bindgen-77e0da46f5d248db/out /usr/local/bin/rustc --crate-name bindgen src/main.rs --error-format=json --json=diagnostic-rendered-ansi,artifacts,future-incompat --emit=dep-info,link -C opt-level=2 -C embed-bitcode=no --test --cfg 'feature="clap"' --cfg 'feature="default"' --cfg 'feature="env_logger"' --cfg 'feature="log"' --cfg 'feature="logging"' --cfg 'feature="runtime"' --cfg 'feature="which"' --cfg 'feature="which-rustfmt"' -C metadata=5bd7efe14a9f9eae -C extra-filename=-5bd7efe14a9f9eae --out-dir /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps --target i686-unknown-freebsd -C linker=cc -L dependency=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps -L dependency=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/release/deps --extern bindgen=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libbindgen-3826dcf2d143b28c.rlib --extern bitflags=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libbitflags-3a2fba2fee27152d.rlib --extern cexpr=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libcexpr-6fb506e8f5a5ad53.rlib --extern cfg_if=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libcfg_if-244ddbe439e155db.rlib --extern clang_sys=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libclang_sys-4c9a19aab35024d2.rlib --extern clap=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libclap-958b07ab75b41ef2.rlib --extern diff=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libdiff-73c4128e955e26ae.rlib --extern env_logger=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libenv_logger-e2dae04aca756543.rlib --extern lazy_static=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/liblazy_static-f9b6d146ed51adf1.rlib --extern lazycell=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/liblazycell-cdde699b7f2eb8bc.rlib --extern log=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/liblog-e23b8f9beb74d142.rlib --extern peeking_take_while=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libpeeking_take_while-190fcf437432fb5e.rlib --extern proc_macro2=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libproc_macro2-0a050fa32e47a0b8.rlib --extern quote=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libquote-9c2dc6e0ff0a2b4e.rlib --extern regex=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libregex-369a531e0996606d.rlib --extern rustc_hash=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/librustc_hash-e4a77bdf6939a413.rlib --extern shlex=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libshlex-cbce83415b718ca7.rlib --extern which=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libwhich-a7360f0090b2753d.rlib -C link-arg=-fstack-protector-strong -L native=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/build/libloading-cfa872c28c8b2dd1/out`
warning: `bindgen` (lib test) generated 7 warnings (7 duplicates)
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 3.87s
warning: the following packages contain code that will be rejected by a future version of Rust: nom v5.1.1
note: to see what the problems were, use the option `--future-incompat-report`, or run `cargo report future-incompatibilities --id 1`
     Running `/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/bindgen-ab311c3ebab00c94`

running 23 tests
test codegen::bitfield_unit_tests::bitfield_unit_align ... ok
test codegen::bitfield_unit_tests::bitfield_unit_get_bit ... ok
test codegen::struct_layout::test_align_to ... ok
test codegen::bitfield_unit_tests::bitfield_unit_set_bit ... ok
test codegen::bitfield_unit_tests::bitfield_unit_get ... ok
test codegen::struct_layout::test_bytes_from_bits_pow2 ... ok
test commandline_flag_unit_test_function ... ok
test codegen::bitfield_unit_tests::bitfield_unit_set ... ok
test features::test::str_to_target ... ok
test features::test::target_features ... ok
test ir::comment::test::picks_up_single_and_multi_line_doc_comments ... ok
test ir::analysis::tests::monotone ... ok
test ir::comment::test::processes_multi_lines_correctly ... ok
test ir::comment::test::processes_single_lines_correctly ... ok
test ir::layout::test_layout_for_size ... ok
test ir::traversal::tests::traversal_predicate_is_object_safe ... ok
test ir::ty::is_invalid_type_param_empty_name ... ok
test ir::ty::is_invalid_type_param_invalid_remaing ... ok
test ir::ty::is_invalid_type_param_invalid_start ... ok
test ir::ty::is_invalid_type_param_valid ... ok
test ir::ty::is_invalid_type_param_valid_underscore_and_numbers ... ok
test ir::ty::is_invalid_type_param_valid_unnamed_kind ... ok
test ir::ty::is_invalid_type_param_unnamed - should panic ... ok

test result: ok. 23 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

     Running `/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/bindgen-5bd7efe14a9f9eae`

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

   Doc-tests bindgen
     Running `/usr/local/bin/rustdoc --crate-type lib --crate-name bindgen --test /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/src/lib.rs --target i686-unknown-freebsd -L dependency=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps -L dependency=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/release/deps -L native=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/build/libloading-cfa872c28c8b2dd1/out --extern bindgen=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libbindgen-3826dcf2d143b28c.rlib --extern bitflags=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libbitflags-3a2fba2fee27152d.rlib --extern cexpr=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libcexpr-6fb506e8f5a5ad53.rlib --extern cfg_if=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libcfg_if-244ddbe439e155db.rlib --extern clang_sys=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libclang_sys-4c9a19aab35024d2.rlib --extern clap=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libclap-958b07ab75b41ef2.rlib --extern diff=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libdiff-73c4128e955e26ae.rlib --extern env_logger=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libenv_logger-e2dae04aca756543.rlib --extern lazy_static=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/liblazy_static-f9b6d146ed51adf1.rlib --extern lazycell=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/liblazycell-cdde699b7f2eb8bc.rlib --extern log=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/liblog-e23b8f9beb74d142.rlib --extern peeking_take_while=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libpeeking_take_while-190fcf437432fb5e.rlib --extern proc_macro2=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libproc_macro2-0a050fa32e47a0b8.rlib --extern quote=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libquote-9c2dc6e0ff0a2b4e.rlib --extern regex=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libregex-369a531e0996606d.rlib --extern rustc_hash=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/librustc_hash-e4a77bdf6939a413.rlib --extern shlex=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libshlex-cbce83415b718ca7.rlib --extern which=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libwhich-a7360f0090b2753d.rlib -C embed-bitcode=no --cfg 'feature="clap"' --cfg 'feature="default"' --cfg 'feature="env_logger"' --cfg 'feature="log"' --cfg 'feature="logging"' --cfg 'feature="runtime"' --cfg 'feature="which"' --cfg 'feature="which-rustfmt"' --error-format human`
error: doctest failed, to rerun pass `--doc`

Caused by:
  could not execute process `/usr/local/bin/rustdoc --crate-type lib --crate-name bindgen --test /magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/bindgen-0.53.2/src/lib.rs --target i686-unknown-freebsd -L dependency=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps -L dependency=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/release/deps -L native=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/build/libloading-cfa872c28c8b2dd1/out --extern bindgen=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libbindgen-3826dcf2d143b28c.rlib --extern bitflags=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libbitflags-3a2fba2fee27152d.rlib --extern cexpr=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libcexpr-6fb506e8f5a5ad53.rlib --extern cfg_if=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libcfg_if-244ddbe439e155db.rlib --extern clang_sys=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libclang_sys-4c9a19aab35024d2.rlib --extern clap=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libclap-958b07ab75b41ef2.rlib --extern diff=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libdiff-73c4128e955e26ae.rlib --extern env_logger=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libenv_logger-e2dae04aca756543.rlib --extern lazy_static=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/liblazy_static-f9b6d146ed51adf1.rlib --extern lazycell=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/liblazycell-cdde699b7f2eb8bc.rlib --extern log=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/liblog-e23b8f9beb74d142.rlib --extern peeking_take_while=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libpeeking_take_while-190fcf437432fb5e.rlib --extern proc_macro2=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libproc_macro2-0a050fa32e47a0b8.rlib --extern quote=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libquote-9c2dc6e0ff0a2b4e.rlib --extern regex=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libregex-369a531e0996606d.rlib --extern rustc_hash=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/librustc_hash-e4a77bdf6939a413.rlib --extern shlex=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libshlex-cbce83415b718ca7.rlib --extern which=/magus/work/usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen/work/target/i686-unknown-freebsd/release/deps/libwhich-a7360f0090b2753d.rlib -C embed-bitcode=no --cfg 'feature="clap"' --cfg 'feature="default"' --cfg 'feature="env_logger"' --cfg 'feature="log"' --cfg 'feature="logging"' --cfg 'feature="runtime"' --cfg 'feature="which"' --cfg 'feature="which-rustfmt"' --error-format human` (never executed)

Caused by:
  No such file or directory (os error 2)
*** Error code 101

make: stopped in /usr/mports/devel/rust-bindgen


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© 2008-2023 Lucas Holt
© 2008 Chris Reinhardt