Simple powerful testing with Python
Flavor | Version | Run | OSVersion | Arch | License | Restricted | Status | |
py39 | 7.1.3,1 | 543 | 3.1 | i386 | mit | 0 | pass |
Machine | Type | Time | Message |
m3132 | info | 2023-10-22 20:17:56.488126 | Test Started |
m3132 | pass | 2023-10-22 20:18:06.274519 | Test complete. |
Depends On
- devel/py-setuptools (build)
- devel/py-setuptools_scm (build)
- lang/python39 (build)
- devel/py-attrs (run)
- devel/py-iniconfig (run)
- devel/py-packaging (run)
- devel/py-pluggy (run)
- devel/py-py (run)
- devel/py-setuptools (run)
- lang/python39 (run)
- textproc/py-tomli (run)
- lang/python39 (test)
Depend Of
- databases/py-sqlalchemy14
- www/py-requests-cache
- databases/py-sqlalchemy12
- devel/py-pytest4
- databases/py-alembic14
- security/py-bcrypt
- security/py-paramiko
- devel/py-sniffio
- devel/py-pytest-xdist
- devel/py-pytest-black
- x11/libei
- devel/py-pytest-subtests
- devel/py-jedi
- devel/pylint
- devel/py-pytest-asyncio
- textproc/py-tinycss2
- math/py-numpy
- security/py-cryptography-legacy
- devel/py-click-default-group
- devel/py-pathspec
- devel/py-pytest-cache
- devel/py-cbor2
- textproc/py-rdflib
- devel/py-pip
- devel/py-pytest-cov
- devel/py-pid
- devel/py-setuptools_scm7
- devel/py-async_timeout
- security/py-trustme
- databases/py-sqlalchemy11
- math/py-numpy
- www/py-webob
- math/py-numpy
- security/py-argon2-cffi
- www/py-bleach
- devel/py-testpath
- devel/py-pytest-flake8
- devel/py-pytest-timeout
- devel/py-pytest-timeout
- devel/py-pytest-mock
- devel/py-virtualenv
- databases/py-redis
- sysutils/py-diffoscope
- graphics/py-cairosvg
- devel/py-pytest-forked
- databases/py-sqlalchemy13
- devel/py-pytest-mypy
- archivers/py-libarchive-c
- www/py-requests-mock
- dns/py-idna_ssl
- textproc/py-pyhamcrest
- databases/py-alembic
- net/py-trio
- security/py-certbot
- devel/py-python-magic
- Loading CVE information...